As it is literally pissing down here in the South of France we are getting all blog updates sorted before more adventures begin.
We have just left Cinque Terre after spending 2 days there and my lord what a 2 days they were! Earth, Air, Fire and Water all greatly impacted our trip, making us feel like we were stuck in some crazy captain planet episode. I never saw that hottie ginga Wheeler though. After a productive trip of crafts and snacks on the train....

...we arrived at Riomaggiore (the first village) in the arvo and spent our remaining day asleep on the beach (getting rid of our hangovers).

Above: The view from our room out across the village and us having a relaxing vino in our apartment.
Our lovely hostess lady had told us there was a few musical offerings that night in the village over so we busied ourselves with getting ready and started to make our way to Manarola. As we were approaching the edge of our village we looked up at the hill after Belz had remarked on the distinct smell of bonfire (as she wanted to go hang out at said bonfire) what we saw basically made us accidente in our pants: - this has some better pics.
We admit we did kind of freak as it was right by our rooms, but after running back to get passports etc and with a bit of a wine buzz going we thought better to be in the town over then here and worrying so off we went. The food was amazing, as was the wine and we were quite happy on our way back.

The second day was dedicated to conquering the Cinque Terre national park walk, after our first taste the night before we thought it would be sweet laid path the whole way so we set off in jandels, we were mistaken...

It took us about 4 hours to do the entire walk and with 2 stops in between it was a whole day. We stumbled into the last village so fatigues and dehydrated we almost couldnt walk in a straight line. To see another beautiful beach at the end was probably the happiest moment of my life.
That night exhausted we were so looking forward to bed, ready for a restful sleep. What we got was the craziest goddamn storm imaginable we think we managed about 3 hours sleep in between thunder that hurt your ears and lightning that lit our whole room up regardless of dark curtains. The rain was so heavy it sounded like hail and the wind kept blowing our metal shutters against the walls we were freaking and that was before the power went out at about 3.30am and this weird light in our room that we couldnt control kept turning on and off! We bailed at 7am and in the rain headed to the South of France.
Go Captain Planet!
Below: dinner on our last night

Wow guys looks like such a wicked trip. JEALOUS! Keep up the blog posts so we can live vicariously through you :) J9 x