We headed out for a car tour of the city and thought we would get out to check out some sites and BAM sweaty mo central and sweating from places we don't care to discuss. Basically the sites in Dubai are hotels and the Palm which is that huge man mad island type thing. That night we went out for all you can eat dinner and drinks and went to a bar but were basically in a comer with your eyes open after being up for two days so were looking forward to bed. Choices for that night out were kind of limited because it was in the middle of Ramadan (spelling?!?!) a month long Muslim event where they fast all day (so restaurants etc are ALL closed - even Maccas dine in) and break their fast at night with figs then a feast. SO interesting but kind of weird vibe too - you are meant to dress conservatively for that month and the mall apparently had a dress code so we basically looked like hookers as we rocked up for shopping in short skirts and singlets. OOPS.
The second night we went on the Desert Safari! A-MA-ZING. We stopped on the way out to the desert at a little shacky town thing purely set up to sell tourists shite they don't need. Megan head to teach me to barter haha. Spent first half of sand dune 4wd mission wondering whether we were going to spew or cry - the drivers were nuts and ours was texting on his phone while making EXTREME manouvers over the dunes. ARRRR. We then stopped for some sand dune snowboarding - hilarious but walking 10 metres back up to the top was like conquering Everest ... only sweatier. Then they took us to this desert camp for a feast etc - no belly dancers because of Ramadan but we smoked some sheesha out of these giant (social) bongs and got some HOT henna tattoos (mine looks like someone ate spaghetti and pood on my wrist - Megan's looks like someone artistically dribbled spaghetti sauce into the shape of a flower on her wrist. We are thinking about paint thinner to get them off :) ) and rode camels (slash they were dragged around on a rope for about two min with us on top of them :) ).
Leaving Dubai was a mission as they overbooked our flights and we couldn't get on it but eventually we arrived in London...
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